EWSS Eligibility Review Form Compliance

Posted in Employment, Good Advice, Our Blog

Following on from the extension of the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) to 31 December 2021, to assist employers in ensuring continued eligibility for the scheme, from 30 June 2021 they will be required to complete and submit, through ROS, an online monthly EWSS Eligibility Review Form. The initial submission should be made between 21 and 30 July 2021 and by 15th of every month from August onwards.

Through ROS, employers will need to provide details of actual monthly vat exclusive turnover or customer order values for 2019 together with the same detail for the first six months of 2021. They will also need to provide details of monthly projections for the remainder of 2021 i.e. July to December 2021.

On 15th of every subsequent month during the scheme operation, employers will need to provide details of the actual results for the previous month together with reviewing the original projections provided to ensure they remain valid.

The eligibility for EWSS must be reviewed on the last day of each month.  If the business is no longer eligible then the business must de-register for EWSS from the following day.  If circumstances change then the business can re-register again. If an employer becomes aware prior to the end of the month that they will no longer meet the eligibility criteria they should de-register immediately and cease to claim subsidies.

Revenue will be contacting randomly selected employers where clarity is required or where high-risk practices are identified as part of their compliance programme.

Failure to complete and submit the EWSS Eligibility Review Form by the monthly deadline that confirms the requisite reduction and related declaration will result in suspension of payment of employers  EWSS claims.

Please note as part of the monthly submission, the following declaration will  need to be signed by employers or their agents on their behalf: “I declare that this represents a true and accurate record of actual monthly turnover / customer orders and my best estimate of forward-looking monthly turnover / customer order projections.”

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