The Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) is to support businesses with increases in their electricity or natural gas costs from September 1 2022 to February 28 2023.
A business can make a claim under the scheme if it:
- is tax compliant
- carries on a Case I trade or Case II profession including charities and approved sporting bodies that carry on certain activities
- is an eligible business throughout the claim and intends to be one following the end of the claim period
- and has experienced a significant increase of 50% or more in its electricity and/or natural gas average unit price.
Claims must be made within 4 months of the end of the claim period so September 2022 must be claimed prior to 31st January 2023.
Qualifying businesses can claim for 40% of the increases in their energy bills subject to a monthly cap. The increase in energy bills must be between the ‘claim period’ and the ‘reference period’.
A limit of €10,000 applies to the total payments that a qualifying business can claim for each claim period. If a business has separate electricity and gas accounts, the limit of the eligible costs applies to both accounts.
The €10,000 limit can be increased where a qualifying business operates across multiple locations and has more than one electricity account subject to an overall monthly limit of €30,000 per qualifying business.
If a person carries on more than one trade or profession, a monthly limit of €10,000 applies to each qualifying business.
VAT and arrears should not be included in the eligible costs which must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the trade or profession. This means that the eligible costs must be directly related to the running of the business. Any non-business use must be excluded from the eligible costs claimed.
A claim period is a calendar month from September 2022 to February 2023. A reference period is the corresponding calendar month in the previous year. For example, September 2021 is the reference period for the September 2022 claim period.
A business can make a claim under the TBESS by registering on ROS, and completing a claim in respect of a claim period
Revenue will publish a list of the names, addresses and total amount claimed by all businesses who avail of the TBESS.