EWSS Revenue Error

Posted in Good Advice, Our Blog, PAYE/PRSI

Revenue recently issued letters (via Ros inbox) to employers who availed of the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS).

These letters state “Revenue have corrected the value of a PRSI credit in a period(s) for which you recently filed an EWSS submission. This has resulted in an amended PREM liability in the relevant period(s) and the corrected liability and balance can be viewed in “Statement of Account” on “Employer Services” in ROS.”

We have contacted Revenue directly on this matter and have been advised by them that they have wrongfully allocated duplicate PRSI Credits to thousands of Irish companies.

This will give rise to backdated PAYE/PRSI Liabilities that all employers need to be aware of.

Revenue correspondence received to date does not advise employers what period(s) are affected. 

We recommend that all clients who currently avail or recently availed of EWSS to continue to monitor their ROS inbox / Revenue records in relation to new/ backdated PAYE/PRSI liabilities arising as we have very limited information from Revenue on this error.

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