Enterprise Support Grant

Posted in Business Growth, Employment, Good Advice, Good Practices, Uncategorized
SURE Investment

The Enterprise Support Grant (ESG) allows the department to provide financial support for new enterprises, in addition to income support under Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) and Short Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA), to jobseekers that are approved for those schemes.

How To Qualify

The primary focus of this grant is on supporting new enterprises set up under BTWEA or STEA. A Case Officer can approve a grant for someone seeking employment under this scheme.

An applicant must be able to demonstrate (by way of a bank statement or similar) that they are able to make a matching contribution of at least 20% to access the level of grant support available.

Generally funding will relate to start-up expenses but can be accessed over the duration of the BTWEA/STEA scheme.

The projected costs looking to be supported by this grant should be included in the business proposal and the plan submitted in respect of the BTWEA/STEA, as should the ability of the applicant to provide matching funds.

Rates of Payment

The rate of pay is a maximum amount of €2,500 for the 24 month period of the BTWEA claim. For those on STEA it will be on a pro-rata basis €1000 Max (9 months) and €625 (6 months). The amount of funding that is granted, is at the discretion of the department Case Officers.

A jobseeker does not have an entitlement to access this programme other than by way of meeting the eligibility criteria, meeting quality requirements, and subject to the provision of sufficient funds to meet the costs arising.

Making An Application

All referrals for support must be made via a Case Officer at your local Intreo Centre.

You will be required to supply two quotations from providers for the measure for which funding is sought. The case officer should receive clear evidence in the form of an original invoice marked paid and evidence of payment (in the form of an official receipt or similar proof of payment) that you have paid for the items concerned.

In the event that you are unable to purchase in advance, payments may be made either directly to you or to the provider of goods and services.

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